I am fully aware that my new pseudonym sounds pretentious and gay. I’m just being cheeky and having fun with English. My old pen name was “Libertarian Agnostic” but decided I should do the test again since my views have changed quite a bit since I started blogging. And also because it looks bad to only have staff reviews by the same guy over and over. But obviously if I am telling you this I am not trying to make a sock puppet account and be deceptive. Full transparency. ^_^
Anyways, the TL;DR is that I am a race realist who generally likes freedom but has gotten increasingly socially conservative the older I get. But I also understand that bloated authoritarian organizations create inefficiencies, suffering, corruption, etc. So when I meet people IRL and don’t want to sound like a complete f**got I’ll just say I’m an independent. Or if they seem somewhat political I’ll just say I’m a Paleo-Conservative or Minarchist Libertarian. Truth be told, I’m a one issue voter: immigration. And have lost faith in the system after the 2020 election and probably won’t vote again. That’s okay though ‘cuz I think we are gonna’ balkanize regardless. Hopefully sooner rather than later but could be a couple decades. Who knows?
But just for fun, lemme’ LARP and speculate in more detail.
So most of what I am predicting and imagining is just about The Occident. And I say “The Occident” because what we really mean when we say “The West” is White countries. However, “The West” doesn’t include Australia. And saying “Anglosphere” doesn’t include our Nordic and Slavic brothers. “Demography is destiny” and the geography is a secondary thing. And if I wanted to be super pretentious I would say I’m a Syncretic Empiricist / Neo-Physiocrat / Jungian Trans-Humanist / Hyperborean. :^) “Neo-Feudalist” doesn’t sound so bad now, does it?
So, I think the future will inevitably have more globalization and more decentralization. Which is why Neo-Feudalism seems inevitable. But instead of ineffectual ceremonial circle jerks like The UN, I think we’ll have new overlapping unions between nation states that actually work. I guess you could argue that it’s just the same as WW1 nationalism, but the difference is the internet and connectivity. It’s entirely possible to have more fluid treaties and embargoes. And a lot harder for the ruling elite to lie their population into pointless wars.
I also think an anti-egalitarian return to hierarchy and a restriction on who can vote is absolutely necessary. Something like what the United Arab Emirates has would be better than the Neo-Liberal hellscape we have now that encourages atomization and degeneracy. I know we have higher standards of living and more disposable income but are suicide rates are rising along with our depression.
Eudaemonia > Dopamine
Which is why some variance of constitutional monarchies and Spartan type societies is the ideal. It would depend on each town/mini country’s rules but to avoid a totalitarian dystopia I think the 1st and 2nd amendments would be non negotiable for them. Perhaps 1 family 1 vote. And only if they have biological children and the father has served in the military. Something like “Starship Troopers.” You gotta’ earn the right to vote and have a stake in the country’s future. But since I’m not a White Sharia kinda’ guy I think that the community should allow divorce or a veto option. Otherwise you get dysfunctional abusive families and let drunkard deadbeat dads go unpunished. Likewise for subversive/mentally unfit/whatever patriarchs. So for example, let’s say Family A has a pedophile father who was black mailed by foreign agents like Epstein or bribed by one like AIPAC. Sometimes the patriarch has to make tough decisions that go against the family’s wishes but is ultimately best for them. Which is why the patriarch casts the final vote on behalf of the family. But this one is compromised and clearly acting against the interests of his family and his community for fear of being found out. His family is unaware of his motives but decide to get 3 other families in the community to sign the veto appeal (it has to be unanimously signed, not just the fathers of neighboring families) and then bring the documents to the court house so that Family A’s final vote ends up being the correct one. This is a form of checks and balances that protects against the soft power that seems to have completely destroyed America from within. And the beauty of it is that it doesn’t require an execution and also helps to protect against subversive forces from even trying this black mail type racket.
And the same kind of logic can be extended up in the senate or house of commons or whatever. Perhaps every politician could have an exit clause that allows them immunity if they are a whistle blower. And of course dual citizenship and any forms of gifts/donations received while in office would be punishable by death. But the yearly salary for the politicians would have to be significantly higher than the average citizen so people are incentivized to do their civic duty. And also to avoid the problem of attracting the scummiest most sociopathic snakes into politics, it would have to be like jury duty. It wouldn’t be a voluntary occupation, it would be a lottery system that some people dreaded but the pay made it worthwhile. You do 3 years or whatever, (long enough to be good at it), and instead of wasting time with re-election and fund raising, you just focus on getting s**t done. And when you finish you have enough money to buy a house or start a business or whatever. Plato’s “The Republic” talked about how the ones who desire power are the last ones who should have it. But he then went on to say Philosophers are the ones who should have the power with no sense of self awareness or shame. I think Nietzsche’s disdain for jargonist nerds with no real world experience is dead on. We need a balance. Not just ivory tower circle jerkers with a God complex. Which is why I would also set up a community that made a year abroad mandatory right after the mandatory 2 years of military service. Only for the men and voluntary for the women.
I could go on and on. But I’ll save these hypothetical fantasies for a manga I’m gonna’ write. Stay tuned. <3
My most recent test results (June, 2021):
For screenshots of every answer I gave on the test along with an unedited verbal diarrhea explanation click below:
1.) I am a trans-humanist because I think we are already mending with technology even if we aren’t injecting microchips in our skin yet. I think this can be a very dystopian future especially if we don’t address the realities of human nature (E.g. race/gender differences and also better understand the right hemisphere and Jungian psychology). Likewise with vain attempts to have globalist unions like the U.N. where no one respects the deals made and ghetto countries just get bribed. So in order to protect the environment it’s more realistic to have an agreement with the Anglosphere countries to all put the same tariffs on cheap oil from Saudi Arabia and China and if any one country violates this rule of exporting CO2 emissions to production in China or whatever, then they pay a fee, etc. Expecting China or Saudi Arabia to play ball with an environmental consciousness is naive.
Likewise with just assuming the laissez faire “””free””” market will do what’s best for everyone is silly. We already see Big Tech like Twitter/Google/Facebook taking over and gaining more power than the local governments. But some sort of anti-Capitalist control is impossible unless you want to live in the stone age like North Korea, in which case you just surrender the flow of capitalism/technology in the hands of nefarious types. Likewise with some sort of Ted Kazynski anti-tech anarcho primitivist society like the ghetto tribal countries in Africa or the Middle East. You delay the inevitable and only have a pocket of luddites.
So yeah, accept this flow towards globalism but do our best to mitigate it and guide it somewhat so we (in The Occident) are safe and Africa/Asia don’t destroy us along the way.
2.) Blind loyalty leads to invading sovereign nations and committing war crimes like the Gulf of Tonkin incident leading to the Vietnam War. You can still love your country and not partake in every aspect of it. You can be a reformer and critique the country you love.
3.) It’s natural to love yourself and your tribe. And your ancestors’ blood runs through your veins. The older I get the more I realize how important this is and how much my genetics determine who I am. And “demography is destiny” so your nation is just an extension of who you and your tribe are. Without some connection and pride to it, how can you ensure it continues? How can you ensure its citizens want what’s best for it instead of just exploiting it parasitically and myopically (E.g. Canadian politicians with no children selling off land/real estate to Chinese). However, this distinction between the current country and your kin is important because it allows you to be critical and willing to evolve/reform it if you’re currently turning into a disgusting consumerist sloth safe space for degenerates.
4.) I would be lying if I said I don’t feel superior in some aspects. But truly, in the bottom of my heart, do not believe in the overall superiority of any one race. Alan Watts explains it much more eloquently than I could:
Whites’ creativity seems to be linked with our naivety and “pathological altruism” that gets exploited. Asians seem to be less creative but less sympathetic and their lack of a “high trust society” creates a ceiling in their possible development. Blacks tend to be better boxers and runners, but can’t swim well or beat the top MMA fighters when we add wrestling into the fighting equation. There are always pros and cons to everything. I view every race like a video game character with different stats. And it would be dumb to think that we all are born with the exact amount of points that are spread around categories, clearly some have more overall points. But it would be equally as dumb to think one is always better and has no weaknesses or areas of improvement.
Having said that, I am for a eugenic policy reform. Right now we have dysgenic policies like the movie “Idiocracy” satirizes. So although I think we should be weary of genetic modifications and over stepping our bounds by “playing God,” I also think if we do nothing the default will encourage the scummiest types to overpopulate. This is especially true within races. I don’t care to implement any eugenic type policies on sovereign nations, but understanding these differences among races can help us not fuel problems. I have a Star Trek “Prime Directive” approach to foreign policy in most cases. Japan gets it:
5.) This is just a pragmatic outlook on the world. Clearly it’s a case by case basis, but finding out what shared interests are is a good way of living your life and conducting policies. (E.g. America teamed up with the Soviet Union to fight the Nazis and then quickly switched back to an adversarial relationship with the USSR for the Cold War.)
6.) International law (at least now) is total garbage. Virtue signaling nonsense that has nothing to do with how geopolitics actual works. They are all scum with black mail videos of them on Epstein’s island or getting bribed by Israeli lobbyists. The only time to obey international law is if it will have real world consequences. For example, if America invades France or uses Zyklon B on Syrians and it leads to a war or embargos. Except, as I understand, Trump broke international law when he did the Syria Strikes or when he killed the Iranian general but nothing happened because we are at the top of the food chain. It just makes other countries hate us more.
But in the Neo-Feudal future where international law is based on agreements between a few countries, I think it should be treated with the utmost respect. It’s horrible when we go back on past agreements and people realize our word isn’t our bond. For example, Obama’s Iran deal that Trump went back on. Whether you agree with it or not doesn’t matter, it makes future deals less weighty.
7.) Clickbait and polarization being incentivized via Capitalism is worrisome. But the fact that information is becoming more digestible and it’s getting easier and easier to spread knowledge is not a bad thing. One could argue that conspiracies about flat Earth or whatever could be damaging since 3 chapters about George Washington is likely way more boring. However, I’d say reality is stranger than fiction in many cases. I can’t believe we have a pyramid with the eye on our dollar bills and we never get taught about it in school, or about the Free Masons or Skull and Bones. Etc.
8.) To me, nationality is a proxy for a person’s race. Even if that has been drastically changing and been muddied in the past 50 years or so…
And so yeah, Black people in America are much richer than Black people in Africa. And this goes for two reasons. One, because they are born in a White country that allows for functioning services and trading and redistribution of wealth.
But also because African Americans have more European admixture making their average IQ’s higher than “pure” Africans from the motherland. However, the Nigerians who come to America outperform most other Blacks and this is because they often have a strong family unit, an emphasis on work ethic/education, and have been artificially selected by being the only Nigerians who properly jumped through the hoops to get an immigration visa.
Nevertheless, we see a general trend globally about Black performance in education, fatherless homes, higher rates of violence, etc. And from nearly every study I’ve seen that controls for race as a variable, the correlation is much stronger than class or geography or any other factor. I know people will blame generational wealth and bla bla, but a perfect example of this is the fact that the richest African American is Elon Musk.
Having said all that, class matters and I despise California yuppies who are sheltered from the realities/repercussions of their votes. And some of the biggest enemies to the White working class people are bourgeoisie White liberals like the Koch brothers or the politicians who sell us out for a few shekels.
So class definitely matters, but nationality (proxy for race) is much more important imho.
9.) Unemployment is a symptom of inflation and inflation is a symptom of the (((Federal Reserve))) completely raping American citizens. It is the number one enemy we face as Keith best articulates:
10.) This is just common sense. Only Anarcho-Capitalist types can do mental hula hoops that make it seem like China or India wouldn’t poor oil into a river for a handful of pennies. And if we make realistic agreements between a handful of trustworthy countries in The Occident, penalizing those who outsource pollution to the 3rd world, and incentivize those who have clean production plants, we could make a much bigger impact than the Paris Agreement or whatever. But this is also a naive take at least right now. Because the world is based around lobbyists, the military industrial complex, the petrodollar, etc. So it’s not about if it’s possible, it’s about human nature and corruption and what the elites prioritize.
11.) The fact that it’s from Marx makes it a loaded phrase. But if we can pretend it’s not, I guess it kinda makes sense. I just take it and inject hierarchy and natural order as part of it. Women can provide the most to society if 90% of them embrace their nature and focus on children/family/house. Likewise with men who are artists or engineers being funneled into what best suits their skill sets. I guess my take is just the Japanese concept of Ikigai being the balance:
And that not all citizens are equally as important. I think reality shows an 80/20 principle to almost everything. So whether it feels nice to accept or not, 80% of the population could be killed and history would be roughly the same. So if society rewards the people who produce more, that makes perfect sense. And the best way to try and facilitate people having a harmonious ikigai career path, would be to do what Japan and some Nordic countries do, which is to test kids around 12 or 13 to see if they should go to a trade school or continue learning STEM stuff.
12.) I think if the market is too controlled, you get a North Korea kind of situation. I am still a Capitalist, but Capitalism is a tool and if it is completely unregulated, it will be exploited by the meta-market like how China devalues their currency or steals our copyrights without consequence. And then of course there’s the reality that lobbyists from oil companies and military industrial complex type people will start to create regulations that benefit them. Or push for policies that flood the country with cheap labor so they can save money, meanwhile the other politicians will still push for “””humanitarian””” policies that redistribute citizens’ wealth to pay for these migrants’ healthcare, education, housing, etc. In an Anarchist vacuum fantasy, you could have a completely free market, but that just doesn’t exist. There will always be forces pushing and pulling to try and benefit themselves. So if you don’t take part in trying to gently guide the market, you will just get f**ked over by others who brutally and unapologetically steer the market.
13.) Meh. It’s just part of technology and new ways of compartmentalizing things, repackaging. If you’re an optimist you could say it’s amazing that so many people have clean drinking water around the world. They go hand in hand…
14.) I hear people say that landlords are parasites and this and that, but I haven’t been convinced of it. Just sounds like some autistic ideologue logic like the “non aggression principle” or goofy phrases like “taxation is theft.” Then people get dogmatic about it. Lending money and renting stuff seems like an essential part of any economy. I think the people who bought land thought ahead and sacrificed things they could have spent that money on in exchange for passive income. I have no issues with that except generational wealth and monopolies begin to form if you don’t have some regulation. So limiting it to a few properties makes sense. Or for example, in some cities they put limits on the skyline height because it will affect the overall feel of the city. Like in Kyoto, it’s a historic place with lots of temples. This seems like a reasonable and healthy balance.
15.) I donno. Maybe I should have just put “agree” and not “strongly agree.” Guess that’s just my anti-Semitism peeking out. But society is only gonna’ get more and more abstract and speculative. It’s retarded to think that agriculture and tangible manual labor is the only valuable contribution to society. Having said that, the critics of Wall Street make a great point. These people just hoard money and shuffle it around and then use their massive amount of wealth to bribe politicians to keep bailing themselves out. So, same with real estate, some limits to exploitation would be good, but people lending value (in various forms) is a very useful contribution to society. Any entrepreneur or business type person understand that you can’t just put everything into terms of dollars. Time is money and word of mouth and time saved and inflation and all that jazz are variables in the calculation.
So, it seems fine to me, but I’ll leave the “strongly agree” part because I wish it wasn’t responsible for the “many personal fortunes” of the parasitic 1% at the top that contributes very little. If the income inequality between them and the rest of society was more moderate like that of low level lenders or real estate landlords, it would be all good.
17.) I’ve made that clear above with the way China doesn’t play by the same rules and needs to be regulated against. (E.g. Segway copyrights, currency manipulation, environmental pollution, etc.) But the same is true with how America was expected to just protect all the other countries in NATO without them actually contributing. Then smug Swedes would criticize our INSANE military budget. I don’t like it either, bub, but recognize that we use it to swing our dicks around and allow you guys to have absurdly high education and healthcare budgets.
18.) I hate Woke Capital, but I think the government should regulate companies (gently) so that they don’t rape the planet and export suffering. The average citizen (myself included) is too dumb when it comes to “out of sight, out of mind.” We need conscientious politicians that can help prevent some of the horrible animal cruelty, child slave labor, environmental destruction, etc. And most importantly, the funding of horrible regimes like the Saudis. But idk, this is a slipper slope and generally trying to regulate companies just hurts the market and allows for a loophole in a foreign country to fill the gap. However, the GOP shilling for Big Business no matter what is disgusting. Corporations should not be exempt from any moral responsibilities whatsoever.
19.) I think a flat tax rate would be ideal. You don’t want your rich, best & brightest members of society fleeing the country like that French guy did to Russia. (Gerard Depardieu.)
20.) This is just reality. Wealthier people can afford better things. Deal with it. The only issue is that there should be a base level of reasonable healthcare for the bottom classes of society. And in a homogenous country where the average IQ is 100+, you can have these safety nets without leeches and dysfunction.
21.) Self-explanatory. Common sense imho.
22.) Bingo! Crony capitalism is inevitable and in order to allow for a somewhat level playing field, you need to be vigilant against the international clique of rootless cosmopolitans.
23.) I used to be more pro-choice but the older I get the more I realize how I was gas lit by the media. And it’s shocking at how they’ve convinced women to go against billions of years of evolution and literally cry in joy at the ability to kill their own babies. 100% not natural, but they’ve been manipulated by sociopathic elites for economic reasons and straight Satanic ones. No joke. The push for abortion in later and later terms has made me much more open to religion in the traditional sense.
Having said that, we have a very dysgenic society and I think rape should also be an exception to abortion. And the caveat to almost all of these questions is if it is a homogenous society or not. If it is America now, then first term abortion should 100% be legal for people 18+ regardless of the reason. But if we’re talking after America balkanizes and there’s a homogenous White Neo-Idaho, then any abortion should be illegal unless they were raped or the mother’s life is in danger.
24.) I question all authority but this is not a good thing to instill in every citizen. In fact this authority-complex is part of why America is the degenerate place it is. Can’t tell anyone what to do.
25.) This as a form of law seems barbaric, but in general I believe in kharma and living your life in a give and take way. There aren’t always consequences for your actions but you shouldn’t be surprised if things come back to bite you in the ass.
26.) I think left to our own devices we just become porn addicted, social media fiend, soulless retards. But if we have some sort of guidance and regulation then we can have a much more fulfilling experience in life. So for example, I ban myself from social media and then when I am bored will go to historical YouTube channels or something. It’s the eudaemonia feeling of satisfaction v.s. the short impulsive dopamine thing I mentioned before. And having an appreciation for your ancestors and heritage and deeper forms of art is something that needs to be cultivated. This makes it near impossible to compete in the “””free market””” when you are going against sex drugs and rock and roll.
27.) School should be mandatory up until age 12 or 13 when we do a test to see if they are better suited for arts, trades, etc. Higher education should not be mandatory though, because now it is meaningless. “If everyone is special no one is special.”
28.) I have travelled all over the world for more than a decade of my life. I love different races and cultures. But it’s very clear that 95% of people would be happiest living with their own kind. “Diversity is our greatest strength” is an obvious lie. Some variety is good but you have no idea how crucial every aspect of your society and fellow demographics are. You take it for granted until it’s too late.
29.) I don’t think I will spank my children, but I will certainly put them in time out and use physical enforcement like grabbing their arm or holding them down when they are having a temper tantrum.
30.) Of course. This is human nature. I just hope to have a very open relationship with my children where they feel they can tell me anything. The craziest girls I’ve dated were Catholic school girls or Muslim or some sort with super strict parents. The goal is to be strict enough to protect them and allow them to grow into self sufficient smart individuals who choose the right thing. If you constantly force them to do the right thing, the moment they leave you they will have no self-will to keep it up, or worse, will have a strong desire to do the opposite and ruin their life.
31.) Marijuana is a dream killer and a pacifier for most people. But not all drugs are the same and I think citizens who have never been caught driving under the influence, and don’t get welfare, should be able to smoke if they have the will power to do so moderately. But in general I think straight edge is the best way and almost every drug is a net negative for 99% of people I know. It’s just a less harmful vice compared to alcohol or others and human nature requires vices. I’d rather not live in a society that throws marijuana smokers in prison so long as it is still mildly shunned and viewed as a vice like smoking cigarettes or whatever.
32.) School should prepare students to be the best citizens that they can be. It should teach them how to do their taxes and navigate all aspects of life. It should instill morals and philosophies that the community agrees on. And then of course it should help them get a job in the career they’ve chosen.
33.) Yeah, sorry. If they just died off in the forest I wouldn’t care. But in practice, this means the rest of society pays someone to drop out of society to take care of them. The cut off should be if they have enough agency to live on their own. So for example, getting a prosthetic limb or wheel chair that allows them to take the bus and bag groceries or whatever. But right now we have literal vegetables writhing in pain that should not be procreating. In fact, this is one of the times abortion should be legal. Once they do the scan and let the mother and father know, they should be able to choose to have the baby but they will get no extra welfare benefits or anything.
34.) Absolutely wrong. They should build their own discipline but should not be thoughtless robots that accept punishment.
35.) C’mon.
36.) Duh.
37.) Sometimes you need to face your troubles so you can solve them. Listening to sad music when you’re sad can be cathartic and help you get over it. Ignoring unpleasant thoughts and feelings is a sign of weakness and unnatural imho.
38.) This doesn’t mean they aren’t welcome. It just means that those first 10 years growing up somewhere are crucial. And in most countries around the world you’ll always be known as the foreigner even if you were born there. This used to bother me but now I realize they are right, and my American multiculti brainwashing was BS.
[/su_spoiler ]
39.) Corporations usually work in their own interests. And it’s true that Capitalism usually allows for innovation and the rising waters raise all the boats, or whatever the phrase is. But income inequality is getting insane and monopolies grow. And there’s first movers advantage like with Big Tech. And then Google uses this massive amount of money to fund CPAC and prevents any of the GOP from putting up a decent fight against rightwing censorship. This is just one of many examples where that statement is blatantly false.
40.) Already explained this before about eudaemonia and how worthwhile content will never be able to compete against porn and selfish degeneracy. It’s like a comedian who can’t curse v.s. a prop comic who can be as vulgar as they want.

41.) The false dichotomy presented to us is: another 9/11 or burn the constitution. The third option is ban Muslim immigration, make dual citizenship in the government punishable by death, and make lobbyists get 10 years in prison.
42.) This is a trick question. Yeah, this is an advantage of a single party government but this is like saying “do you recognize that income inequality decreases when you make everyone starve to death?” Uh… I guess so, but I don’t support it. Which is why I said “disagree.”
43.) It’s a slippery slope and it’s the principal not how it will affect you specifically.
44.) I remember talking with someone about how we shouldn’t waste tax money and should allow all prisoners the option to euthanasia. But the fear of a slow and miserable existence in prison is what deters people. If it was just “suicide by cop” if you fail, especially if it was humane and painless, I bet we’d see a spike in crime. However, the most extreme cases of sociopaths like the serial killer that put needles in his own pelvis don’t operate within the realm of normal logic and should just be euthanized.
45.) This is too dogmatic and unrealistic. Sometimes whistle blowers and free thinkers are necessary to keep a healthy society. And every society must progress and evolve with the times, so you need the square pegs. But yeah, most people should respect authority and society functions more smoothly.
46.) So I learned that non-objective art is the stuff people really hate. Abstract art is based on something and just interpreted creatively. Like Picasso for example. Although you don’t think of it The Simpsons and every cartoon is also technically a form of abstract art too. So I like it and have come around to respect it. Non objective art is the pretentious crap that people think of when you just see a square in the middle of a canvas for $600. However, I think art is very important for public morale and healthy collective consciousness. So any state funded art/architecture would have to be approved and only 10-30% of the public art pieces could be abstract. None could be the non objective crap we see so often which is just a hunk of metal curved and costs 5 figures.
47.) Punishment is a necessary deterrent but if it’s a mild felony or misdemeanor we should prioritize rehabilitation.
48.) Yeah, key word “some.” Some people are just lost causes ‘cuz they were tortured as a kid and turned into monsters. Or are genetic freaks that were born hardcore sociopaths. But they should be studied and we should try experimental (yet humane) ways of changing their DNA to make them not sociopaths. But I imagine this would be bad because even if it worked, they’d have to deal with the guilt of all the horrible stuff they’ve done. Like Angel from “Buffy” getting a soul as part of a Gypsy curse. Or the Clockwork Orange premise. It seems like studying these lost causes to learn preventive measures would be the best way that they can serve society. Find out who tortured them or what gene they have that is linked to sociopathy. Etc.
49.) So, I make art and have always been a vagabond drifter starving artist type. However I always loved this scene because I think it’s crucial for artists to understand the hierarchy and importance of the practical jobs that make society function.
But of course, I’ve been recently diving down the rabbit hole about the 80/20 principle and top down changes in civilization. It’s true that the artists and authors and other vanguard confident 10% members of society are the ones responsible for it’s progress and overall direction. And along that same line of logic, if slaves were all it took to build America, why is Africa still looking the way it does? It’s the guidance from up top that makes those salt of the Earth jobs have a worthwhile direction.
( Language Warning )
( FYI, I heard about the Rodney Stark book in the section of this convo here, and stumbled on Jonathan Bowden’s speech about top down vanguard movements from a random forum.)
My conclusion is that artists and writers make the biggest ripples in history, but cannot do it without every other pragmatic job working together so the hierarchy of needs can be met.
50.) Again, I’m not a “White Shariah” guy. But we should all embrace nature and what we were meant to do. I’ve dated lots of intelligent strong women milfs and the majority would have been happier if they just had kids imho. Joan of Arc should be the exception not the rule. Ya dig?
51.) Yeah, just seems like a reality. I don’t feel very strongly about it either way, but not sure it’s something I care to deny, nor know enough about in any event.
52.) You don’t have to like it, you just have to accept reality so you can have the greatest impact within your means. Learning how to navigate the system and accepting the things you cannot control, but also the things you can, and “the wisdom to know the difference.”
53.) Astrology seems like complete BS, but ngl I have been actually open to it for the first time in my life because of my dive into Carl Jung.
54.) This is a semantics thing, but I feel like “religious” implies organized religion and traditional concepts of it. I think Sam Harris is probably a more altruistic and moral person than the average Christian in America. Because most people just go about their business and react to stimuli. So I think religion is necessary for the average human and they need a clear cut instruction manual or they will fall into being witches and sacrificing babies. Which is literally happening right now in America with dumb thots getting abortions and going to Wicca parties. So for the average person they are less moral than they would be if they had an organize religion. However I don’t think it’s a pre-requisite and many people abuse religion to be immoral. (E.g. the Scofield Bible and the weird End Times Evangelical version of Christianity in America that encourages Americans to send their kids overseas to fight and die for Israel. Bizarre stuff.)
55.) The government sucks at almost everything and they will take $10 from you to do the same thing $1 could have done in the private (or nonprofit) sector. Besides, the government often gets subverted and ends up doing a net harm like encouraging divorce and welfare moms and transgender children. Etc. So I guarantee if private citizens got to keep their social security money it would be a lot better of a safety net.
56.) Yeah, in the sense that no one is born equal. We all have advantages and disadvantages. Some people are born premature and with diabetes or whatever. However, Tim Ferris, Putin, Napoleon, etc. were manlets and that fueled their desire to outperform everyone and change history. So maybe they are born lucky?
57.) I wouldn’t send my kid to a hardcore Christian academy, but I want my kids to grow up religious so they have a foundation before they start to experiment and pick and choose what they like. Think about it like Joe Rogan who was straight edge until 30+. Now he can handle drugs. I think secular philosophies and degenerate individualist tendencies can be great and are inevitable, but you really need a strong foundation based in firm moral ground before you can start wiggling around to find your own groove.
58.) I am generally Agnostic and think sex is natural. I understand that society needs to repress it so we can transmogrify this energy into creating great art and whatnot. But our birth rates are too low and I think we need to evolve with society and redefine morality so that we have healthy relationships. Right now we have a false dichotomy that leads the youth to think they can only be Christcuck bible thumpers with promise rings, or degenerate Only Fans thots in polyamorous trans relationships. I think the emphasis should be on love and respect and safety and the natural order. If you get your highschool gf pregnant, you keep the baby and commit yourself to her and your babies.
59.) I’m cool with gays and lesbians, but there are way too many pedophiles within their community. Not gonna’ risk it. Exceptions exist but the ideal should be a normal man and woman household.
60.) There should be limitations on the kinds of porn though. “Merchants of Sin” redpilled me on how they used “free speech” as a guise to push degeneracy. It’s not about speaking truth to power, it’s about smut. So healthy forms of mildly kinky sex should be legal to watch but porn addiction is very damaging right now so we definitely need to cut things back somehow. If we can do it for child _ _ _ _ than we can do it for other kinds.
61.) So long as it doesn’t affect children in the house, or cause diseases that other tax payers have to subsidize, doesn’t matter imho.
62.) I think many homosexuals are born gay. I think 90% of lesbians are not. And I’m not sure how many but a decent chunk of homosexuals were molested. What percent is nature what percent is nurture, we won’t know anytime soon because it’s such a toxic topic atm.
63.) I am a pretty open guy. Pretty degenerate. And even I am getting uncomfortable with the “sex positive” depictions in society. It’s not a matter of getting old, it’s a matter of society becoming objectively more corrosive as the empire declines. History doesn’t repeat but it rhymes, as they say.