“The Hunt (2020)”

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"“The Hunt (2020)”"
Author Rating
4 1star1star1star1star

I remember briefly seeing a trailer for this film in passing and thought it was a horror film. Within the first 10 minutes it seems pretty dumb and goofy until you realize that it’s a dark comedy. They lower your expectations from the get go and every scene afterwards gets compoundingly more clever. For example, it starts with the easy one liner phrases that the lowest common denominator will get like the antagonists saying “dumb redneck” and the protagonists saying “snowflake.”

But eventually the dialogue gets into open-to-interpretation stuff like the revisionist tortoise & hare analogy that pointed out how Right-Wingers are so used to being in the upper echelons that they have rested on their laurels and are now being cucked by the tards. 
Loved the Kill Bill homage and having a tig ‘ol bitty blue eyed blonde as the lead was awesome even if there are unintentional feminist undertones that must come with a twig beating people up. But it’s a somewhat slapstick comedy and her backstory explains her bad ass-ness away so relax.
Oh and Dennis from Always Sunny was great it in this and I had no idea he was in it. Only briefly though. To be honest, the film was only a 3/5 star film, but as a super biased Right-Winger I fell in love with it. But even if you are a Centrist the way the plot evolves will likely win you over by the time it’s over. The bias against liberal elites was clear but there’s enough self-deprecating jabs at us conspiracy theorists, White trash, and Fox News Boomers to make it bearable for moderate lefties too. 
Very charming. Definitely watch and support! 

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“The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)”

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"“The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)”"
Author Rating
5 1star1star1star1star1star
Most older movies have really slow pacing and bad timing. And rarely are timeless. Although this film isn’t as fluid as other classics like “Casablanca” it still stands up to this day. Just give it some time to get into the plot (around 25 minutes or so). 
Without spoiling too much, it’s basically a super redpilled movie on the failings of democracy. Not quite a “Might Makes Right” conclusion, but a more pragmatic realpolitik “people are dumb lemmings” social commentary. Their depiction of police is fitting for today’s day and age as well. Right Wingers need to wake up and realize “Blue Lives Matter” ain’t it. Stop being bootlickers and understand the law only has as much value as the people backing it with violence say it does.



There’s even a cameo by the very genuine & authentic, Mitt Romney:


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I am fully aware that my new pseudonym sounds pretentious and gay. I’m just being cheeky and having fun with English. My old pen name was “Libertarian Agnostic” but decided I should do the test again since my views have changed quite a bit since I started blogging. And also because it looks bad to only have staff reviews by the same guy over and over. But obviously if I am telling you this I am not trying to make a sock puppet account and be deceptive. Full transparency. ^_^
Anyways, the TL;DR is that I am a race realist who generally likes freedom but has gotten increasingly socially conservative the older I get. But I also understand that bloated authoritarian organizations create inefficiencies, suffering, corruption, etc. So when I meet people IRL and don’t want to sound like a complete f**got I’ll just say I’m an independent. Or if they seem somewhat political I’ll just say I’m a Paleo-Conservative or Minarchist Libertarian. Truth be told, I’m a one issue voter: immigration. And have lost faith in the system after the 2020 election and probably won’t vote again. That’s okay though ‘cuz I think we are gonna’ balkanize regardless. Hopefully sooner rather than later but could be a couple decades. Who knows?

But just for fun, lemme’ LARP and speculate in more detail.

LARPing nonsense



My most recent test results (June, 2021):

For screenshots of every answer I gave on the test along with an unedited verbal diarrhea explanation click below:

Test Questions
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