If Pulp Fiction, Nobody, Breaking Bad, American Beauty, and Falling Down, all had a baby, it would be this movie. A bit dated and cheesy at parts, but fantastic overall. The middle may lose you but stick around until the end and I’d say it redeems itself. There is a great reoccurring theme of a tamed wolf that works great as the social commentary of the emasculated modern male, but also the cucked White guy as well. And because this film was before the woke era, they drop hard R’s willy nilly and are realistic about the racial tribalism in the crime world. Also very redpilling about female psychology and staying true to who your woman fell in love with.
Two things come to mind that fit with the message of the film. The first, is the YouTuber, UberBoyo’s analysis of Nietzsche’s take on the betamale losers subverting the warrior class and messing up the natural order in society:
Introducing Nietzsche: The WARRIOR Philosopher – [Animation from Thus Spoke Zarathustra]
The second is a great sample I heard on Mr. Bond’s “Like A Diamond” cover from his “Screw Your Optics” mixtape. Which I now realize comes from the movie “Siberian Education.” (One more thing to add to the “To Watch” list.)
“The winter did not seem to have an end, and the pack was starving to death. The leader of the pack, the oldest of them all, was out in front comforting the young wolfs, telling them that the spring was coming. But, at a certain point, one young wolf decides to stop. He says he has had enough of cold and hunger, and he says he’s going to live among the men; because the important thing is to stay alive. The young wolf lets men catch him and, as the years go by, he forgets that long time ago he was a wolf. One day, many years later, as he’s hunting with his master he runs obediently to collect the prey. But he realizes that the prey is the old leader of the pack. He falls silent for shame and the old wolf speaks and says to him: “I die happy because I lived my life as a wolf; you, on the contrary, belong neither to the world of wolves nor to the world of men. Hunger comes and goes but dignity, once lost, never returns.”
I know 5 stars is a bit much, but I just really enjoyed this film and it fits my favorite non-genre of midlife crisis memento mori carpe diem plots. As of now that would be ranked as:
1st.) Stranger Than Fiction
2nd.) Office Space
3rd.) Fight Club
4th.) Thursday
5th.) Falling Down
6th.) American Beauty
7th.) The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
8th.) Click
9th.) Nobody
Definitely support the creators of this film. Buy or rent a copy if you can.