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Review / Rant:

I hated this garbage and almost stopped halfway through. I’m not sure if I can watch another Disney movie after this. Visually it’s amazing, but the agendas pushed make this unbearable to sit through. I swear, Disney is the absolute worst when it comes to liberal BS in Hollywood.

*Sigh* I’m sick of 4Chan being right


You can google “Moana feminist” and look up results yourself. Just batsh*t crazy, anti-male propaganda from start to finish. You may think I’m overly sensitive or overanalyzing, but the symbolism is getting more and more audacious with each new flick. Go check for yourself. They even put in allusions to genitalia in this one…


“Without my hook (penis/masculinity) I am nothing.” ~Maui

It’s not quite castration, but a female god takes away that macho guy’s power by taking away his big magical hook. Sure ’nuff, he learns that he needs to tone down his bravado for there to be peace in the world, and if he didn’t steal/hurt the hearts of women, then there would be harmony for all. (This also parallels man’s achievements of industrialization damaging Mother Earth and disrupting the balance that once was. They foreshadow this in the beginning, by singing about how the tribe gets everything they need from the Earth without advanced technology. Clichéd noble savage agitprop.) It is only after the men learn to stop bickering, and let the women do what they want, go down the path they desire, that things work out.

Oh, and the arrogant male lead learns that he’s mistaken at the end. It wasn’t all his accomplishments in previous generations that sustained their society. But rather, mother nature and femininity that birthed everything, including his hook and anything he achieved with it. It was only when he became overly confident like Icarus, that things got messed up. In other words, “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” And you can only be happy and content with your manhood if you tone it down, literally kowtow, and constantly check your privilege. Hand your nuts over to the matriarchy, lil man! Better recognize, Queen Bee! “Who runs the world??? DAS RITE.”

This phallic symbolism is also contrasted with the magical stone that has “the power to create life.” Any guesses what that might allude to? ◔_◔ The stone also is called a heart and represents the love necessary to combat the evil in the world. Blech. Typical infantile bullsh*t from Hollywood. It’s like the female brain is incapable of understanding any complex thoughts without filtering them down into simplified emotions. It’ll come as no surprise that the moral of this story, like most films thesedays, is #LoveTrumpsHate

I know I may sound crazy to you, like those people who see illuminati symbols in everything. But I’ll leave you with 2 videos to prove my point. One is a brief interview with the film creators explaining the feminist/pagan crap, and another is a reviewer (hippie lady who liked the film) going in detail supporting my feminist symbolism theories:

(spoilers in video below)

If that’s not enough to convince you, just search the feminazi blogsophere, they all loved it. That should be enough to warn you not to see this utter piece of trash.

The only redeeming qualities?

1.) Visually stunning.
2.) A cameo by one of the “Flight Of The Conchords” guys.
3.) A song intended to denigrate men, that became an accidental anthem for manhood.

“Toxic masculinity” created the civilizations that gave you the freedom to nag. You’re welcome.


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Libertarian Agnostic


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