GWGB – Congruent Ethnicities Verdict Conversion:

( Click for HD map )

Unfortunately, the verdicts provided by Ethnicelebs, (albeit the most accurate dataset), were inconsistent and difficult to quantify. For example, some verdicts were precise in percentage, whereas others left you guessing:

If someone working at 23andMe or Ancestry wants to leak the database, that’d be great. Otherwise, the best solution we found was to create parent categories for regions, and to count each listed country of origin equally. And to categorize based on how much mixing was done between the regions on the map above. So, since every American is a mutt of sorts, and the concept of “White” is relatively new, it follow that celebrities with 6 different ethnicities that are all from Europe are just considered “White.”

Matt Damon = “White”

The same goes for people with several different South American ethnicities or several different Arab ones, etc. Generally, society only considers someone mixed if their parents race-mixed, right? However, we had to control for other ethnic peculiarities by adding a few more rules. For example, the vast majority of Jews are mixed with their host nation’s population. Finding a 100% Ashkenazi is pretty rare. Nearly all the Jews in our database would be classified as “Mixed / Other” if the rules were the same for them. 

Jewish Rules:
Indigenous Rules:
Latino Rules:
(My suggested breakdown for Asians.)

Mixed/Other Rules:

For the sake of transparency, nerds can view our array code for the 9 categories:

'EA' => 'Asian',
'J' => 'Asian',
'I' => 'Indian','M' => 'Arab',
'M' => 'Arab',
'W' => 'White',
'EE' => 'White',
'JW' => 'Jewish',
'F' => 'White',
'G' => 'White',
'H' => 'Latino',
'It' => 'White',
'N' => 'White',
'A' => 'Asian',
'B' => 'Black',
'O'=> 'Other',
'East Asian' => 'Asian',
'Japanese' => 'Asian',
'japan' => 'Asian',
'Indian' => 'Indian',
'India' => 'Indian',
'Indo' => 'Indian',
'Indian tamil' => 'Indian',
'Sri lankan tamil' => 'Indian',
'African' => 'Black',
'Muslim' => 'Arab',
'British' => 'White',
'East European' => 'White',
'Jewish' => 'Jewish',
'French' => 'White',
'German' => 'White',

'Hispanic' => 'Latino',
'Hispanics' => 'Latino',
'Italian' => 'White',
'Nordic' => 'White',
'Asian' => 'Asian',
'Black' => 'Black',
'White' => 'White',
'Levantine' => 'Arab',
'Alawite' => 'Arab',
'Kurd' => 'Arab',
'Lur' => 'Arab',
'Baloch' => 'Arab',
'Iran' => 'Arab',
'Saraiki' => 'Arab',
'Muhajirs' => 'Arab',
'Balochi' => 'Arab',
'Emirati' => 'Arab',
'Mideast' => 'Arab',
'arab' => 'Arab',
'Afghan' => 'Arab',
'Afghanistan' => 'Arab',
'Algerian' => 'Arab',
'algerian' => 'Arab',
'Arab' => 'Arab',
'Assyrian' => 'Arab',
'Berber' => 'Arab',
'berber' => 'Arab',
'Coptic' => 'Arab',
'Druze' => 'Arab',
'Egyptian' => 'Arab',
'Iranian' => 'Arab',
'Iraqi' => 'Arab',

'Jordanian' => 'Arab',
'Kurdish' => 'Arab',
'Lebanese' => 'Arab',
'Moroccan' => 'Arab',
'Pakistani' => 'Arab',
'Palestinian' => 'Arab',

'Persian' => 'Arab',
'Saudi Arabian' => 'Arab',
'Syrian' => 'Arab',
'Tunisian' => 'Arab',
'Turkish' => 'Arab', 
'turkish' => 'Arab', 
'Yemeni' => 'Arab', 
'Pashtun' => 'Arab', 
'Bahrain' => 'Arab',
'Pamiri' => 'Arab',
'Brahui' => 'Arab',
'Qizilbash' => 'Arab',
'Aimaq' => 'Arab',
'Pashai' => 'Arab',
'Kyrghyz' => 'Arab',
'Bahraini' => 'Arab',
'Nuristani' => 'Arab',
'Gorani' => 'Arab',
'Ashkali' => 'Arab',
'Turk' => 'Arab',
'Hazara' => 'Arab',
'United Arab Emirates' => 'Arab',
'Kuwaiti' => 'Arab',
'Baluchi' => 'Arab',
'Qatari' => 'Arab', 
'Eastern africa' => 'Arab',
'Northern africa' => 'Arab', 
'Western asia' => 'Arab', 
'West bank' => 'Arab',
'Southern asia' => 'Asian',
'Southern asia' => 'Asian',
'Cham' => 'Asian',
'Asia' => 'Asian',
'Macau' => 'Asian',
'Tay' => 'Asian',
'Muong' => 'Asian',
'Mong' => 'Asian',
'Nung' => 'Asian',
'Hoa' => 'Asian',
'Zhuang' => 'Asian',
'Vietnam' => 'Asian',
'North korea' => 'Asian',
'China' => 'Asian',
'Bhutanese' => 'Asian',
'Buryat' => 'Asian',
'Cantonese' => 'Asian',
'Chinese' => 'Asian',
'Hakka' => 'Asian',
'Japan' => 'Asian',
'Korean' => 'Asian','Mongol' => 'Asian',
'Mongolian' => 'Asian',
'Mongolia' => 'Asian',
'Taiwanese' => 'Asian',
'taiwanese' => 'Asian',
'Vietnamese' => 'Asian', 
'Vietnamese' => 'Arab',
'Han chinese' => 'Asian', 
'Kinh' => 'Asian',
'Mongoloid' => 'Asian',
'Small chinese minority' => 'Asian',
'Asians' => 'Asian',
'Zakhchin' => 'Asian',
'Bayad' => 'Asian',
'Khalkh' => 'Asian',
'Dorvod' => 'Asian',
'Southeastern asia' => 'Asian',
'Eastern asia' => 'Asian',
'Hong kong' => 'Asian',
'Korea' => 'Asian',
'Western Asia' => 'Asian',
'Serahuleh' => 'Black',
'Manjago' => 'Black',
'No answer' => 'Black',
'Dinka' => 'Black',
'Nuer' => 'Black',
'South Sudan' => 'Black',
'Gambia' => 'Black',
'Saho' => 'Black',
'Kpelle' => 'Black',
'Sapo' => 'Black',
'Gbandi' => 'Black',
'Vai' => 'Black',
'Krahn' => 'Black',
'Gola' => 'Black',
'Lorma' => 'Black',
'Kru' => 'Black',
'Mano' => 'Black',
'Gio' => 'Black',
'Grebo' => 'Black',
'Bassa' => 'Black',
'Tigre' => 'Black',
'Kunama' => 'Black',
'Tigrinya' => 'Black',
'Mande' => 'Black',
'Grusi' => 'Black',
'Guan' => 'Black',
'Ga' => 'Black',
'Ewe' => 'Black',
'Mole' => 'Black',
'Akan' => 'Black',
'Nera' => 'Black',
'Bilen' => 'Black',
'Rashaida' => 'Black',
'Colored' => 'Black',
'Turkana' => 'Black',
'Part' => 'Black',
'Baganda' => 'Black',
'Banyankole' => 'Black',
'Basoga' => 'Black',
'Meru' => 'Black',
'Bakiga' => 'Black',
'Iteso' => 'Black',
'Langi' => 'Black',
'Bagisu' => 'Black',
'Acholi' => 'Black',
'Lugbara' => 'Black',
'Maasai' => 'Black',
'Kongo' => 'Black',
'Mijikenda' => 'Black',
'Teke' => 'Black',
'Kamba' => 'Black',
'Luo' => 'Black',
'Kalenjin' => 'Black',
'Luhya' => 'Black',
'Kikuyu' => 'Black',
'Makaa' => 'Black',
'Duma' => 'Black',
'Oubanguiens' => 'Black',
'Punu' => 'Black',
'Mbere' => 'Black',
'Sangha' => 'Black',
'Mbochi' => 'Black',
'Kisii' => 'Black',
'Hutu' => 'Black',
'Twa' => 'Black',
'Uganda' => 'Black',
'Kenya' => 'Black',
'Republic of the Congo' => 'Black',
'Nigeria' => 'Black',
'Hausa' => 'Black',
'African' => 'Black',

'African American' => 'Black',
'African american' => 'Black',
'African-American' => 'Black','African-Canadian' => 'Black',
'AfricanAmerican' => 'Black',
'Antiguan' => 'Black',
'Ashanti' => 'Black',
'Bahama' => 'Black',
'Bahamian' => 'Black',
'Bantu' => 'Black',
'Barbadian' => 'Black',
'Beninese' => 'Black',
'Black Canadian' => 'Black',
'Black-Canadian' => 'Black',
'Black Nova Scotian' => 'Black',
'Black Nova-Scotian' => 'Black',
'Cape verdean' => 'Black',
'Cameroonian' => 'Black',
'Curacaon' => 'Black',
'Curaçaon' => 'Black',

'Ethiopian' => 'Black',
'Eritrean' => 'Black',
'Fante' => 'Black',
'Gambian' => 'Black',
'Garifuna' => 'Black',
'Ghanaian' => 'Black',
'Grenada' => 'Black',
'Gullah' => 'Black',
'Haitian' => 'Black',
'Igbo' => 'Black',
'Jamaica' => 'Black',
'Jamaican' => 'Black',
'Kenyan' => 'Black',
'Liberian' => 'Black',
'Mascogos' => 'Black',
'Mayotte' => 'Black',
'Mauritanian' => 'Black',
'Montserratian' => 'Black',
'Nigerian' => 'Black',
'Saint Lucian' => 'Black',
'Senegalese' => 'Black',
'Sierra Leonean' => 'Black',
'Sierra leonean' => 'Black',
'Somali' => 'Black',
'Sotho' => 'Black',
'Sudanese' => 'Black',
'Thembu' => 'Black',
'Tutsi' => 'Black',
'Ugandan' => 'Black',
'Xhosa' => 'Black',
'Zambian' => 'Black',
'Zambia' => 'Black',
'Zimbabwe' => 'Black',
'Zimbabwean' => 'Black',
'Zulu' => 'Black',
'Oromo' => 'Black',
'Yoruba' => 'Black',
'Sara' => 'Black',
'Amhara' => 'Black',
'Sudan' => 'Black',
'Fulani' => 'Black',
'Angola' => 'Black',
'Anguilla' => 'Black',
'Antigua and Barbuda' => 'Black',
'Benin' => 'Black',
'Botswana' => 'Black',
'Burkina Faso' => 'Black',
'Cameroon' => 'Black',
'Central African Republic' => 'Black',
'Chad' => 'Black',
'DR Congo' => 'Black',
'Ethiopia' => 'Black',
'Equatorial Guinea' => 'Black',
'Gabon' => 'Black',
'Guinea-Bissau' => 'Black',
'Madagascar' => 'Black',
'Guinea' => 'Black',
'Comoros' => 'Black',
'Malawi' => 'Black',
'Chile' => 'Black',
'Mali' => 'Black',
'Sierra Leone' => 'Black',
'Senegal' => 'Black',
'Namibia' => 'Black',
'Sao Tome and Principe' => 'Black',
'Togo' => 'Black',
'Mainland' => 'Black',
'Known as beydane' => 'Black',
'Caucasian' => 'Black',
'Sino' => 'Black',
'Franco' => 'Black',
'Angolares' => 'Black',
'Forros' => 'Black',
'Servicais' => 'Black',
'Mozambique' => 'Black',
'Cabo verde' => 'Black',
'Tongas' => 'Black',
'Voltaique or gur' => 'Black',
'Northern mande' => 'Black',
'Southern mande' => 'Black',
'Afro' => 'Black',
'Southern africa' => 'Black',
'Western africa' => 'Black',
'Zarma' => 'Black',
'Tubu' => 'Black',
'Lamba' => 'Black',
'Baster' => 'Black',
'Tiv' => 'Black',
'Kanuri' => 'Black',
'San' => 'Black',
'Kaonde' => 'Black',
'Namwanga' => 'Black',
'Lunda' => 'Black',
'Mambwe' => 'Black',
'Luvale' => 'Black',
'Mbunda' => 'Black',
'Ushi' => 'Black',
'Nyanja' => 'Black',
'Lomwe' => 'Black',
'Yao' => 'Black',
'Ngoni' => 'Black',
'Tumbuka' => 'Black',
'Sena' => 'Black',
'Manganja' => 'Black',
'Tonga' => 'Black',
'Nkhonde' => 'Black',
'Lenje' => 'Black',
'Ovambo' => 'Black',
'Kavangos' => 'Black',
'Herero' => 'Black',
'Damara' => 'Black',
'Nama' => 'Black',
'Caprivian' => 'Black',
'Ijaw' => 'Black',
'Bisa' => 'Black',
'Ibibio' => 'Black',
'Karo' => 'Black',
'Lala' => 'Black',
'Wadai' => 'Black',
'Kono' => 'Black',
'Fullah' => 'Black',
'Loko' => 'Black',
'Koranko' => 'Black',
'Sherbro' => 'Black',
'Mandingo' => 'Black',
'Kanembu' => 'Black',
'Gorane' => 'Black',
'Mende' => 'Black',
'Masa' => 'Black',
'Bulala' => 'Black',
'Marba' => 'Black',
'Mundang' => 'Black',
'Bidiyo' => 'Black',
'Dadjo' => 'Black',
'Tupuri' => 'Black',
'Limba' => 'Black',
'Temne' => 'Black',
'Nsenga' => 'Black',
'Mesmedje' => 'Black',
'Lozi' => 'Black',
'Bemba' => 'Black',
'Gabri' => 'Black',
'Ana' => 'Black',
'Akposso' => 'Black',
'Para' => 'Black',
'Kabye' => 'Black',
'Tama' => 'Black',
'Soninke' => 'Black',
'Zaghawa' => 'Black',
'Baguirmi' => 'Black',
'Wolof' => 'Black',
'Pular' => 'Black',
'Serer' => 'Black',
'Chewa' => 'Black',
'Jola' => 'Black',
'Mandinka' => 'Black',
'Dogon' => 'Black',
'Sidama' => 'Black',
'Sakalava' => 'Black',
'Meka' => 'Black',
'Cotier' => 'Black',
'Southwestern bantu' => 'Black',
'The mangbetu' => 'Black',
'Antalote' => 'Black',
'Cafre' => 'Black',
'Makoa' => 'Black',
'Oimatsaha' => 'Black',
'Tigray' => 'Black',
'Biu' => 'Black',
'Mossi' => 'Black',
'Welaita' => 'Black',
'Gurage' => 'Black',
'Hadiya' => 'Black',
'Afar' => 'Black',
'Gabonese' => 'Black',
'Shira' => 'Black',
'Nzabi' => 'Black',
'Mbede' => 'Black',
'Grassfields' => 'Black',
'Mbam' => 'Black',
'Kota' => 'Black',
'Basarwa' => 'Black',
'Senufo' => 'Black',
'Bissa' => 'Black',
'Lobi' => 'Black',
'Dagara' => 'Black',
'Tuareg' => 'Black',
'Dioula' => 'Black',
'Gurma' => 'Black',
'Tswana' => 'Black',
'Kalanga' => 'Black',
'Kgalagadi' => 'Black',
'Bamileke' => 'Black',
'Baya' => 'Black',
'Banda' => 'Black',
'Mandjia' => 'Black',
'Mbaka' => 'Black',
'Mbum' => 'Black',
'Ngbanki' => 'Black',
'Zande' => 'Black',
'Mapuche' => 'Black',
'Aymara' => 'Black',
'Myene' => 'Black',
'Okande' => 'Black',
'Bobo' => 'Black',
'Cotiers' => 'Black',
'Bujeba' => 'Black',
'Dendi' => 'Black',
'Yoa' => 'Black',
'Ottamari' => 'Black',
'Bariba' => 'Black',
'Adja' => 'Black',
'Fon' => 'Black',
'Malayo' => 'Black',
'Tsimihety' => 'Black',
'Mdowe' => 'Black',
'Antaisaka' => 'Black',
'Comoran' => 'Black',
'Bambara' => 'Black',
'Sarakole' => 'Black',
'Mestico' => 'Black',
'Sonrai' => 'Black',
'Bakongo' => 'Black',
'Kimbundu' => 'Black',
'Ovimbundu' => 'Black',
'Annobon' => 'Black',
'Bubi' => 'Black',
'Pygmy' => 'Black',
'Balanta' => 'Black',
'Malian' => 'Black',
'Acquired gabonese nationality' => 'Black',
'Togolese' => 'Black',
'Congolese' => 'Black',
'Malinke' => 'Black',
'Susu' => 'Black',
'Guerze' => 'Black',
'Kissi' => 'Black',
'Toma' => 'Black',
'Mandinga' => 'Black',
'Fang' => 'Black',
'Papel' => 'Black',
'Manjaco' => 'Black',
'Beafada' => 'Black',
'Mancanha' => 'Black',
'Bijago' => 'Black',
'Felupe' => 'Black',
'Mansoanca' => 'Black',
'Balanta mane' => 'Black',
'None' => 'Black',
'Gurunsi' => 'Black',
'Eritrea' => 'Black',
'Ghana' => 'Black',
'Liberia' => 'Black',
'Negrito' => 'Black',
'Afroecuadorian' => 'Black',
'Cote d ivoire' => 'Black',
'Swazi' => 'Black',
'Middle africa' => 'Black',
'Eastern Africa' => 'Black',
'Tanzanian' => 'Black',
'Bangladeshi' => 'Indian',
'Sri Lanka' => 'Indian',
'Timor-Leste' => 'Asian',
'East indian' => 'Indian',
'Sindhi' => 'Indian',
'Indonesia' => 'Asian',
'Sundanese' => 'Asian',
'Myanmar' => 'Asian',
'Bengali at least' => 'Indian',
'Dravidian' => 'Indian',
'Indian' => 'Indian',
'Anglo-indian' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Anglo-Indian' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Bengali' => 'Indian',
'bengali' => 'Indian',
'Timor Leste' => 'Asian',
'Timor' => 'Asian','Gujar' => 'Indian',
'Gujarati' => 'Indian',
'Indian' => 'Indian',
'Mangalorean' => 'Indian',
'Nepal' => 'Asian',
'Nepalese' => 'Asian',
'Punjabi' => 'Indian',
'Sri Lankan' => 'Indian',
'Sri lankan' => 'Indian',
'Sri-Lankan' => 'Indian',
'Tamil' => 'Indian',

'Betawi' => 'Asian',

'betawi' => 'Asian','Boholano' => 'Asian','Burmese' => 'Asian','Bruneian' => 'Asian','Brunei' => 'Asian','Cambodian' => 'Asian','cambodian' => 'Asian',
'Cebuano' => 'Asian','Filipin*' => 'Asian',
'Filipino' => 'Asian','Indonesian' => 'Asian','Javanese' => 'Asian','Khmer' => 'Asian','Kapampangan' => 'Asian',
'Konkani' => 'Asian','Kuy' => 'Asian','Hmong' => 'Asian','hmong' => 'Asian','Iban' => 'Asian',
'Ibanag' => 'Asian','Laos' => 'Asian',
'Laotian' => 'Asian',
'Malay' => 'Asian',
'Maldive' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Maldivian' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Philippin' => 'Asian',
'possibly Indian South' => 'Indian','Possibly Indian (South Asian)' => 'Indian',

'Tagalog' => 'Asian',
'Thai' => 'Asian',
'thai' => 'Asian',



'Philippines' => 'Asian',

'Bumiputera' => 'Asian',

'Bhutan' => 'Asian',

'Indochinese' => 'Asian',

'South asian' => 'Indian',
'Pitcairn' => 'Indigenous',
'Polynesia' => 'Indigenous',
'Melanesia' => 'Indigenous',
'Caribbean' => 'Indigenous',
'North america' => 'Indigenous',
'Tokelauan' => 'Indigenous',
'Part tokelauan' => 'Indigenous',
'American' => 'Indigenous',
'Ni' => 'Indigenous',
'Kanak' => 'Indigenous',
'Futunian' => 'Indigenous',
'Tahitian' => 'Indigenous',
'Australia' => 'Indigenous',
'Amerindian' => 'Indigenous',
'Aboriginal australian' => 'Indigenous',
'Native american' => 'Indigenous',
'Aboriginal Australian' => 'Indigenous',
'Aboriginal' => 'Indigenous',
'Athabascan' => 'Indigenous',
'Blackfoot Native American' => 'Indigenous',
'Blackfoot' => 'Indigenous',
'Cherokee' => 'Indigenous',
'Choctaw' => 'Indigenous',
'Comanche' => 'Indigenous',
'Cree First Nations' => 'Indigenous',
'Cree' => 'Indigenous',
'cree' => 'Indigenous',
'Dakota' => 'Indigenous',
'First Nations' => 'Indigenous',
'Greenlandic' => 'Indigenous',
'greenlandic' => 'Indigenous',
'Hawaiian' => 'Indigenous',
'Hualapai' => 'Indigenous',
'Inca' => 'Indigenous',
'Indigenous' => 'Indigenous',
'Kiribati' => 'Indigenous',
'Lakota' => 'Indigenous',
'Māori' => 'Indigenous',
'Maori' => 'Indigenous',
'maori' => 'Indigenous',
'Micronesian' => 'Indigenous',
'Melanesian' => 'Indigenous',
'Native American' => 'Indigenous',
'Negrios' => 'Indigenous',
'Ngati' => 'Indigenous',
'Ojibway' => 'Indigenous',
'Osage' => 'Indigenous',
'Oneida' => 'Indigenous',
'Papuan' => 'Indigenous',
'Polynesian' => 'Indigenous',
'Potlotek' => 'Indigenous',
'Tupiniquim' => 'Indigenous',
'Samoan' => 'Indigenous',
'Saulteaux' => 'Indigenous',
'Tlingit' => 'Indigenous',
'Tuhoe' => 'Indigenous',
'Vanuatu' => 'Indigenous',
'Yaqui' => 'Indigenous',
'American Samoa' => 'Indigenous',
'Barbados' => 'Indigenous',
'Bermuda' => 'Indigenous',
'Bahamas' => 'Indigenous',
'Guam' => 'Indigenous',
'British Virgin Islands' => 'Indigenous',
'North american indian' => 'Indigenous',
'Canadian' => 'Indigenous',
'Cook Islands' => 'Indigenous',
'Sint Maarten' => 'Indigenous',
'Chuukese' => 'Indigenous',
'Saint martin' => 'Indigenous',
'Curacao' => 'Indigenous',
'Guyana' => 'Indigenous',
'Saint maarten' => 'Indigenous',
'Haiti' => 'Indigenous',
'Saint lucia' => 'Indigenous',
'Non' => 'Indigenous',
'Pacific islander' => 'Indigenous',
'Tongan' => 'Indigenous',
'Chamorro' => 'Indigenous',
'Cook island maori' => 'Indigenous',
'Part cook island maori' => 'Indigenous',
'Saint kitts' => 'Indigenous',
'Us' => 'Indigenous',
'Tuvaluan' => 'Indigenous',
'Palauan' => 'Indigenous',
'Pohnpeian' => 'Indigenous',
'Cocos malays' => 'Indigenous',
'Itaukei' => 'Indigenous',
'Rotuman' => 'Indigenous',
'Kosraean' => 'Indigenous',
'Yapese' => 'Indigenous',
'Yap outer islanders' => 'Indigenous',
'Marshallese' => 'Indigenous',
'Mixed marshallese' => 'Indigenous',
'Native' => 'Indigenous',
'Carolinian' => 'Indigenous',
'Niuean' => 'Indigenous',
'Nauruan' => 'Indigenous',
'Part nauruan' => 'Indigenous',
'Cook islands maori' => 'Indigenous',
'New zealander' => 'Indigenous',
'Carolinian' => 'Indigenous',
'Kuna' => 'Indigenous',
'Embera' => 'Indigenous',
'Bugle' => 'Indigenous',
'Saban' => 'Indigenous',
'Falkland islander' => 'Indigenous',
'St helenian' => 'Indigenous',
'Australasian' => 'Indigenous',
'Arawak' => 'Indigenous',
'Central america' => 'Indigenous',
'Micronesia' => 'Indigenous',
'Australia and new zealand' => 'Indigenous',
'North America' => 'Indigenous',
'Caribbean' => 'Indigenous',
'American indian' => 'Indigenous',
'Ashkenazi Jewish' => 'Jewish',
'Ashkenazi' => 'Jewish',
'Hebrew' => 'Jewish',
'Israel' => 'Jewish',
'Jew' => 'Jewish',
'Mizrahi' => 'Jewish',
'Sephardic' => 'Jewish',
'Hispanic or latino' => 'Latino',
'South america' => 'Latino',
'Montubio' => 'Latino',
'Mulatto or mixed' => 'Latino',
'Argentinian' => 'Latino',
'Asturian' => 'Latino',
'Bolivian' => 'Latino',
'Brazilian' => 'Latino','Castilian' => 'Latino',
'Chilean' => 'Latino',
'Colombian' => 'Latino',
'Costa Rican' => 'Latino',
'Costa-Rican' => 'Latino',
'costa-rican' => 'Latino',
'costa rican' => 'Latino',
'Costa' => 'Latino',
'Costa rican' => 'Latino',
'Cuban' => 'Latino',
'Ecuadorian' => 'Latino',
'Extremaduran' => 'Latino',
'Galician' => 'Latino',
'Grenadian' => 'Latino',

'Grenadian' => 'Latino',
'Guatemalan' => 'Latino',
'Hispanic' => 'Latino',
'Honduran' => 'Latino',
'Mestizo' => 'Latino',
'Mestizoindio' => 'Latino',
'Mexican' => 'Latino',
'Nicaraguan' => 'Latino',
'nicaraguan' => 'Latino',
'Peruvian' => 'Latino',
'Portuguese' => 'Latino',
'Portuguese-Brazilian' => 'Latino',
'Puerto Rican' => 'Latino',
'Puerto rican' => 'Latino',
'Spanish' => 'Latino',
'Puerto rican' => 'Latino',
'Salvadoran' => 'Latino',

'Uruguayan' => 'Latino',

'Venezuelan' => 'Latino',

'Latino' => 'Latino',

'Mulatto' => 'Latino',

'Cholo' => 'Latino',

'Palenquero' => 'Latino',

'South America' => 'Latino',

'Other' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Two or more races' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Azeri' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Kazak' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Mixed' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Aruba' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Armenia' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Armenian' => 'Mixed / Other',
'armenian' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Azerbaijan' => 'Mixed / Other','Afro-Latino' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Afro Latino' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Aruban' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Belize' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Cape Coloured' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Dominica' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Dominican Republic' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Dominican republic' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Dominican' => 'Mixed / Other',
'French Guiana' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Georgian' => 'Mixed / Other',
'georgian' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Guadeloupe' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Guadeloupian' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Guiana' => 'Mixed / Other','Guyan' => 'Mixed / Other','Kazakh' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Kazakhstan' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Kosovo' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Kyrgyz' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Kyrgyzstan' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Mauritian' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Martinique' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Martiniquais' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Panam' => 'Mixed / Other','Panamanian' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Panamanian' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Suriname' => 'Mixed / Other','Surinamese' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Dutch-Surinamese' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Tajikistan' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Tobag' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Trinidad' => 'Mixed / Other','Trinidadian' => 'Mixed / Other','Trinidadia' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Turkmeni' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Turkmenistan' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Uzbekistan' => 'Mixed / Other', 
'Tajik' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Uzbek' => 'Mixed / Other',

'Armenia' => 'Mixed / Other',


'Mixed' => 'Mixed / Other',

'Crimean tatar' => 'Mixed / Other',

'Chechen' => 'Mixed / Other',

'Crimean tatar' => 'Mixed / Other',

'Dungan' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Uighur' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Hindustani' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Maroon' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Mennonite' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Maya' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Creole' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Karakalpak' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Tatar' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Curacaoan' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Azerbaijani' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Lezghin' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Talysh' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Yezidi' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Turkmen' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Central asia' => 'Mixed / Other',
'Ireland' => 'White',
'Abruzzese' => 'White',
'Acadian' => 'White',
'Afrikaans' => 'White',
'Afrikaner' => 'White',
'Afrikaaner' => 'White',
'Albania' => 'White',
'Albanian' => 'White',
'Albanians' => 'White',
'Alsatian' => 'White',
'Andalusian' => 'White',
'Andorran' => 'White',
'Andora' => 'White',
'andorran' => 'White',
'andora' => 'White', 
'Anglo' => 'White',
'Anglo-Irish' => 'White',
'Aostan' => 'White',
'Apulian' => 'White',
'apulian' => 'White',
'Australian' => 'White',
'australian' => 'White',
'Austrian' => 'White', 
'Austria' => 'White','Azorean' => 'White',
'Baltic German' => 'White',
'Basque' => 'White',
'basque' => 'White',
'Belarusian' => 'White',
'Belgian' => 'White',
'Belgian Flemish' => 'White',
'Belgian-Flemish' => 'White',
'Bessarabia German' => 'White',
'Bessarabia german' => 'White',
'Black Sea German' => 'White',
'Bohemian' => 'White',

'Bohemian Czech' => 'White',
'Czech republic' => 'White',
'Denmark' => 'White',
'Breton' => 'White',
'British Isles' => 'White',
'British isles' => 'White',
'Bulgarian' => 'White',
'Calabrian' => 'White',
'Campanian' => 'White',
'Catalan' => 'White',
'Channel Islander' => 'White',
'Channel islander' => 'White',
'Cornish' => 'White',
'Corsican' => 'White',
'Crimean' => 'White',
'Croatian' => 'White',
'Cypriot' => 'White',
'Czech' => 'White',
'Dalmatian' => 'White',
'Danish' => 'White',
'Dutch' => 'White',
'Emilia-Romagnan' => 'White',
'English' => 'White',
'Erzya' => 'White',
'Estonian' => 'White',
'estonian' => 'White',
'European' => 'White',
'Finnish' => 'White',
'Flemish' => 'White',
'Frisian' => 'White',
'Gaels' => 'White',
'Gaelic' => 'White',

'Galician Spanish' => 'White',
'German' => 'White',
'Gibraltarian' => 'White',
'Greek' => 'White',
'Hungarian' => 'White',
'Icelandic' => 'White',
'Irish' => 'White',
'Ladin' => 'White',
'Lemko' => 'White',
'Lithuanian' => 'White',
'Luxembourgish' => 'White',
'Luxembourg' => 'White',
'Macedonian' => 'White',
'Maltese' => 'White','Manx' => 'White',
'Moksha' => 'White',
'Moldova' => 'White',
'Montenegrin' => 'White',
'Monegasque' => 'White',
'Monaco' => 'White',
'Monacan' => 'White',
'monegasque' => 'White',
'monaco' => 'White',
'monacan' => 'White',
'Mordovian' => 'White',
'Mordvin' => 'White',
'Moravian' => 'White',
'Mordvinian' => 'White',
'Northern Irish' => 'White',
'Northern irish' => 'White',
'Norwegian' => 'White',
'Polish' => 'White',
'Pomak Bulgarian' => 'White',
'Pontic' => 'White',
'Romani' => 'White',
'Romanian' => 'White',
'Romansh' => 'White',
'Russian' => 'White',
'Rusyn' => 'White',
'Scandinavian' => 'White',
'Scots' => 'White','Scots-Irish' => 'White',
'Scottish' => 'White',
'Serbian' => 'White',
'Shoksha' => 'White',
'Sicilian' => 'White',
'Slavic' => 'White',
'Slovak' => 'White',
'Slovenian' => 'White',
'Swedish' => 'White',
'Swiss' => 'White',
'Swiss-German' => 'White',
'Tengushev' => 'White',
'Teryukhan' => 'White',
'Ukrainian' => 'White',
'ukrainian' => 'White',
'Ukraine' => 'White',
'Welsh' => 'White',
'Russia' => 'White',
'Slovene' => 'White',
'Andorra' => 'White',
'Bosnia and Herzegovina' => 'White',
'Belgium' => 'White',
'Finland' => 'White',
'Ireland' => 'White',
'Netherlands' => 'White',
'Moldovan' => 'White',
'Croat' => 'White',
'Bosnian' => 'White',
'Finn' => 'White',
'Swede' => 'White',
'Sami' => 'White',
'Orran' => 'White',
'Irish travelers' => 'White',
'Bosniak' => 'White',
'Serb' => 'White',
'Gagauz' => 'White',
'Eu' => 'White',
'Bashkir' => 'White',
'Chuvash' => 'White',
'Serbs' => 'White',
'Bosniaks' => 'White',
'Local french' => 'White',
'Metropolitan french' => 'White',
'Europe' => 'White',
'Celtic' => 'White',
'Basque minorities' => 'White',
'Faroese' => 'White',
'Guernsey' => 'White',
'Uk' => 'White',
'Portugal' => 'White',
'Latvia' => 'White',
'Jersey' => 'White',
'Liechtensteiner' => 'White',
'Luxembourger' => 'White',
'Luxembourger' => 'White',
'Latvian' => 'White',
'Silesian' => 'White',
'Sammarinese' => 'White',
'Basques' => 'White',
'Eastern europe' => 'White',
'Western europe' => 'White',
'Southern europe' => 'White',
'Northern europe' => 'White',
'Central europe' => 'White',
'Eastern eu' => 'White',
'Ashkenazi Jewish' => 'Jewish',
'Jew' => 'Jewish',
'Borderline Jew' => 'Jewish',
'Barely a Jew' => 'Jewish',
'Sadly, a Jew' => 'Jewish',
'Infinitesimally a Jew' => 'Jewish',
'unknown' => 'Other',
'Other' => 'Other',
 'Ashkenazi Jewish' => 'Jewish',
 'Jew' => 'Jewish',
 'Borderline Jew' => 'Jewish',
 'Barely a Jew' => 'Jewish',
 'Sadly, a Jew' => 'Jewish',
 'Infinitesimally a Jew' => 'Jewish',
 'unknown' => 'Other',
 'Other' => 'Other',
'EA' => 'Asian',
 'W' => 'White',
 'H' => 'Latino',
 'B' => 'Black',
 'M' => 'Arab',
 'I' => 'Indian',
 'JW' => 'Jewish',
 'MIX' =>'Mixed / Other'
 'Mixed / Other'=>'#88419d',
'White (+ Jews )'=>'#e1d4ad', 
'White (- Jews )'=>'#e1d4ad', 
 'non-White (+ Jews)'=>'#ca562c',
'White Male (+ Jews )'=>'#e1d4ad', 
 'non-Whites ( + Female Whites )'=>'#ca562c',
 'White Male (- Jews )'=>'#e1d4ad', 
 'non-Whites ( + Jews + Female Whites )'=>'#ca562c',
'Box Office International'=>'#ff4e4e', 
 'Box Office Domestic'=>'#4e9bff',
 'Box Office per movie'=>'#ff4e4e', 
 'Box Office total'=>'#4e9bff',

NOTE: There were so few Indigenous actors, we just grouped them with the “Mixed/Other” category anyways.

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