I was happily surprised watching this film. Everything I saw was accurately portrayed and the analysis was on point. Most of the people interviewed were actually in tune with the image board subcultures except for a few douchey people interviewed. Matt Furie seems alright, but it’s hard to root for him in the end. He reminds me of the Techno Viking guy not understanding the internet and the Streisand Effect. Which is part of why you can’t hate the guy either, he’s clearly an aloof stoner with no ill will. It wasn’t until he started talking sh** about Alex Jones and other normie conservative types that I stopped having much sympathy for him. I wish he would be like Ben Garrison who finally realized he should stop fighting and be thankful he has millions of people willing to promote him for free. We should all be so lucky.
But Matt’s not a Libertarian so it’s unlikely he’ll ever accept partnership with far right conspiracy types like Ben did. But perhaps the ADL refusing to cooperate with him and being unapologetic at ruining his life may redpill him a bit.
Anyways, great documentary and worth watching. Fantastic production quality and animation. Never got bored during interviews. And it seemed like really fair reporting that didn’t demonize people like Eggy. (That’s amazing coming from a PBS doc!) Currently, it’s free on the PBS website here. Check it out if you have the time. (^_^)-b
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